Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Metaphysical Change

In the Metaphysical universe, minds are like automobiles.

We can move ourselves, and this auto-mobility is called the Will. A decision (force) causes a metaphysical change. Debate (collision) with others may cause a change in position and motion depending on our experience or knowledge (mass), conviction (velocity), and viewpoint (direction). Internal resistance to change (friction) slows our progress. Knowledge (mass) can increase with age. Resistance to change (friction) is almost certain to. This is why we must establish a strong conviction (velocity) and positive viewpoint (direction) at the beginning of our lives.
  1. Habits (Inertia) are a combination of conviction (velocity) and viewpoint (direction).
  2. Decision (Force) = experience (mass) x change (acceleration) - A certain decision causes an acceleration that is dependent on your previous experience.
  3. Acceleration = change in conviction over a time period (dv/dt)


Decisions (forces) have a limited long-term effect because of internal and external resistance to change (friction). Decisions that result in a lasting change in habit (inertia) are not made instantaneously. Some decisions don't have any noticeable change in our convictions (velocity) because of our current experience (mass) and the strength of our convictions (current velocity). In order to really change, the decision (force) must be a continuous one over time, to counteract friction, requiring a continuous input of energy.


Decisions (forces) change habits (inertia) incrementally. This is why a habit (current velocity and direction or inertia) is hard to change. Every decision we make (force we exert) changes our conviction (velocity) in a certain direction, but if we have an initial strong conviction in a certain direction, it may take alot of energy to change applied over time. Instantaneous change would require infinite energy.

Metaphysical IS LIKE Physical

The metaphysical world has physical properties, and we can use our knowledge of the physical to make analogies to the metaphysical.
  1. Each of us has a position, and forces change that position.
  2. Instantaneous change in position is most likely impossible.
  3. (Newton's First Law) A mind in motion will remain in motion unless acted on by an external force.
  4. Observation may change the events we are observing. (I thought this was Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle, but it turns out I was wrong.)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Narcissistic Enabler's Gordon Lightfoot Reference

After reading the second chapter of this book, I got distracted because of the Gordon Lightfoot reference, so I had to go to iTunes, and hear him for myself... and now I am discovering the good melodic pleasure that is Gordon Lightfoot. I like that old folk sound. It is easy on the ears, and goes down smooth and sweet.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Oil prices (a more refined look)

Gasoline prices have been really high around here lately... and some might be quick to assume this is because of a lack of crude oil supply... If that were the case then this would be the answer: Let it go up. I pay for gas too, but we might as well let it slowly go up, so we can continue to use our cars, while we move closer to work, and buy more efficient vehicles, (or tone up our bike-riding muscles)... But most of the problem is not with crude oil supply (or price gouging, or anything else). Most of the problem is with refinery capacity. Prices per gallon of crude went up 10 cents, while prices per gallon or gas went up 78 cents. Hurricane Katrina knocked out refinery capacity in the southwest by either destroying them directly, or knocking out power to them or their pumping stations, so they couldn't get the crude to the refinery. So, what I say is... build more refineries... and start laying rails (or invest in other alternative transport), because we need a cheaper way to get around!