Saturday, January 28, 2006

Dont work so hard - Google Video

I love this video... it defines me!

9/11 Conspiracy Theory

EDIT: This video is not mine, but came from Google Video. I embedded it, using their "Put on site" feature.
At first this made me think.. and wonder... Especially the stats about the temperature of the fire not being high enough to melt steel (melting point of steel 1535 degrees C vs. heat of hydrocarbon fire 825 degrees C), and the fact that the building exploded outward so uniformly as it came down (almost as if it was demolished), but then I went and verified their facts.
While it is true that the melting point of iron is close to 1500 degrees C (actually 1510), steel is an alloy and can have a melting point much lower, like 1370 degrees C.
The fire could have gotten hot enough according to this research the temperature of an enclosed hydrocarbon fire can reach 1350 degrees C (look at the RWS curve... almost there... so maybe). Also, the explosions we saw outward could be caused by the water in concrete heating and causing the concrete to explode.
However, the video does raise an important point. We cannot allow our leaders to be given the opportunity to take any of our personal liberties away, just because we feel unsafe. Especially if they are the people telling us we are unsafe.

They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.Benjamin Franklin
P.S. Notice the powerfully moving use of contemporary music throughout this particular piece... interesting choice... perhaps they also had a bit of an agenda here, and it seems their audience is our generation...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Curry-N-Rice Girl - Google Video

Curry-N-Rice Girl - Google Video

A little curry for ya!

The video was made by Fobbed Out Entertainment

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Non-depressive people don't understand why depressive people don't mind being sad. Of course someone who is used to warmth will pull back from icy water... but someone who lives in the cold and dark reacts differently. They pull in and curl up in a ball. Instead of struggling to get out, they stop moving, and curl up in a ball to conserve their strength. Instead of expending their strength to get out and find help, they curl up and dive deeper. At least down here it isn't frozen.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


I am starting to see myself in this man. I too am running from God (1:3). I too am headed the other way. I too am causing harm to those around me, by my destructive rebellion(1:5). Am I going to be cast overboard? (1:12) Is that what it will take? Am I to be a witness by my mistakes, like Jonah? (1:16)
I too only call on God from the belly of the whale...
I too have a flair for the dramatic (4:3). I too am discontented with the way God runs things. I too have a tendency to go away and pout (4:5).
And I too need His mercy(3:10), and patience(4:6-11), as I learn to walk His way.


Before I forget, I was talking to a new good friend over the new year and we talked about alot of things, which was very helpful. It helped me move past the content of my last post. It seems that we as believers are God's evidence. We are the proof that God exists... we are not perfect by any means, but we are so much better, and the only explanation is God's existence. God could have made magical proofs, or lightning to strike down anyone who doubted His existence. After all, he made us all... and he could easily un-make us... but He said let there be light, and earth and animals, and man, and He doesn't like to go back on His Word. So now, since we have decided to crack His perfect creation, He chooses to develop ordinary proof of His love and mercy, in people that are uncharacteristically unselfish, or unbelievably dependable. Our discussion ended with me realising that I was a rather poor proof of His existence... I actually was showing doubt myself. However, I know He exists, because I know who I am, and I know how awful I should be becoming, but He has intervened... and lifted me.