Sunday, October 09, 2005


Lately I have been feeling sorta down, for reasons that are entirely preventable. I chose to hack code instead of going to social events, and this ended up taking over my weekend. I am starting to see that something is not necessarily worth doing just because (1)it is cool, and (2)I can think of a way to do it...
Anyway, because of these happenings, I feel sorta down.
(The rather pathetic part of all this is that I don't know if anyone is reading this... so is this even worth doing...?)
Most of the reason I get feeling down, is that I am afraid I will end up all alone and no one will ever love me... I wonder if maybe I am a person only God could love... but then my compulsive honesty kicks in, and I have to qualify it with:
  1. Mom
  2. Dad
  3. 6 siblings
  4. 3 (soon 4) brothers in law
  5. 3 nephews
  6. 2 nieces
... so I guess I am pretty blessed really. Then there is the people at church... (why did I skip today? Listening to a sermon at home is NOT the same as joining a congregational body...)
But family love is different. Family loves because the common ancestry holds us together (blood is thicker than water). Church members only see you at church and don't really know the real me. Only one member of my church really knows me and she hates me now...
I need to know if there is someone besides God that could know me and still love me... I am starting to think it would take a miracle. Of course, being a social gimp like I am... and not being able to remember people's names, and not being able to carry a conversation in a bucket...
It. would. take. a. miracle!
So while I wait.. this represents the life.
while (!getGirl()){


Blogger Steve Poling said...

yaknow. it is rather pitiful when the comments are all spam. you might want to clean them out.

as for feeling down, the best way to get back up is to get outside yourself. those sort of things to "find someone worse off than you" and do something to help them.

Ferinstance, you did some cool hack this weekend. Perhaps you could find a way to put that coolness to work helping others.

1:10 AM, October 10, 2005  
Blogger Aron said...

Thanks for your encouraging words.
How could I make an online RSS/Atom newsreader help others?

8:08 AM, October 10, 2005  
Blogger kathleen said...

Hi Aron
You commented on my blog recently, so here I'm reading yours. So ya know ya got at least two of us!

I have a counter on my blogs -- sitemeter is really basic but it's free anyhow and tells me all I'd be interested in knowing.

Also, my good friend says to get readers ya gotta BE a reader and a commenter, too. Which is another way to meet people, btw ;-)

Anyhow, I like your stuff. Keep it up and don't let the blues get ya too bad.


PS. you commented on my blog at

both blogs are in the Blog Ring.

9:22 AM, October 10, 2005  

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