Thursday, December 29, 2005

What if we are Alone

I don't really have any evidence of God's existence that is harder than my own fleeting impressions of divine influence, and the human brain sees what it wants to see. I need to believe that God exists, because then the world might make a little sense, and the happy endings I long for might be possible... but I don't have any hard proof that God exists... Maybe my family, church and friends are all lost in the same self-delusion...

What if we are really alone in the Universe?
What if what I thought was God's influence, and concern was only my own wishful thinking?

What if the world is not following a perfect plan?
What if I am the only one who is looking out for me?
What if I am the only one who really cares?

What if when we die, we really end?

If there is no God, then it only makes sense to:

Live for me alone...

Dive into hedonistic pleasure...

Just get doped senseless...

Live. Love. Laugh. Listen...

but hurry... cause you are going to end tomorrow...


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