Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Pleasure Theory

Humans have a finite capacity for pleasure, but an infinite ability to adjust the the way things are. If your life was really bland, all the time, and you always ate tasteless (though filling) food all your life, you would find a loaf of simple bread to be a better experience than if you always ate the finest foods, and had chocolate cake every day.

Have you ever been really hungry? And then did you ever eat something you normally found bland, and find it amazingly tasty? The experience of pleasure is relative. A gourmand's daily death by chocolate is the same experience as the ascetics daily rough bread.

Since man has a finite capacity for pleasure, discipline is most important. Our pleasure sensors have a limited range, so it is important to keep the baseline low, so that the increases can be felt. (Or... as Vanilla Sky put it... Love is about sweet and sour, and without the sour, the sweet is not as sweet...)

Perhaps it IS better to never love at all then to raise your expectations, and never be able to be happy again...

Perhaps love is like cocaine... it is only terrible because it ruins us for the everyday pleasures...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, can I guess what's on your mind?

10:28 PM, March 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get to guess then?

7:48 AM, March 06, 2006  
Blogger Aron said...


10:25 AM, March 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These guesses aren't kosher

9:12 PM, March 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps it IS better to never love at all then to raise your expectations, and never be able to be happy again...

While I can agree about there being a familiarity with pleasurable things that makes you like them less, I strongly believe love is not one of those things. Love is an exponential thing, love leads to more love, and magnifies itself. You will not find love when you seek it for an emptieness in yourself, but only when you really want to fill someone else's emptieness. Then you will in turn be fufilled.

9:53 PM, March 31, 2006  

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